11:35 XBOX ONE How to run Retrix and PPSSPP on Xbox One sthetixJuly 19, 2017 December 17, 2020 Retrix is a RetroArch or Libretro port on Xbox One which is capable of running several retro games such as NES, GBA, PSX and much mo... 0120K1.1K69
03:34 XBOX ONE How to update Xbox One Offline sthetixJuly 17, 2017 December 17, 2020 If you want to update your Xbox One without connecting it to the internet, then this video is for you. This method is useful if you... 0248.1K1.9K193
04:47 XBOX ONE How to replace Xbox One LB / RB tact switch. sthetixMarch 21, 2017 December 17, 2020 This video will show you how to replace the Xbox One LB / RB tact switch. Tact switches will eventually fail to work properly when i... 025.4K18311
02:34 XBOX ONE How to fix Xbox One Wireless Controller Range / Disconnecting Problems sthetixOctober 26, 2016 December 17, 2020 If your Xbox One wireless controller often disconnects although you have changed its batteries and it only functional while it is in... 055.2K25893
01:11 XBOX ONE How to change LB/RB button of Xbox One Wireless Controller sthetixOctober 10, 2016 December 17, 2020 First generation of Xbox One wireless controller has a mechanical design flaw at its LB/RB button. At some point when you cannot pre... 0316.1K1.1K688
01:59 XBOX ONE How to read / dump Xbox One NAND sthetixMarch 6, 2015 December 17, 2020 This is nothing to do with hacking. It is just a method to read or dump the NAND only. What you need : 1. SD Card adapter 2. USB ... 025.7K1294